Let me take you through this beautiful line, “Unless you become as a little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven” – Mathew 18:3.
This book, First Insights of a Child is compiled by Matt’s Father, Richard Weekley comes with lot of wonder, curiosity, innocence and childish ignorance. We all hear these type of questions and statements almost every time. The surprise here is that Richard took efforts to compile his son’s writings in the form of a book which is so well presented.
Amazon USAFIRST INSIGHTS Of a Child Paperback – November 17, 2020 by Richard Weekley (Author)
- Publisher : Cyberwit.net (November 17, 2020)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 77 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9388319338
- ISBN-13 : 978-9388319331
- Item Weight : 3.84 ounces
Let me take you through this beautiful line, “Unless you become as a little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven” – Mathew 18:3.
This book, First Insights of a Child is compiled by Matt’s Father, Richard Weekley comes with lot of wonder, curiosity, innocence and childish ignorance. We all hear these type of questions and statements almost every time. The surprise here is that Richard took efforts to compile his son’s writings in the form of a book which is so well presented. I just loved Matthew’s photograph where he stood behind a microphone and read out his own creation, a short poem about Zen which concluded, “…is our future of enlightenment”. So philosophical, yet so true for a young boy as old as just 10 years. Richard has done the compilation in the most honest manner which includes Matt’s handwritten pages, as well. That makes the book truly authentic. To write a review on this book took so less time and that made me so happy. As I read Matt’s lines, I felt I too became a child; for a change J. Readers; please read this book; child-like and you will enjoy each and every word of it.
Here are some of Matt’s writings so wonderfully penned which will make the Readers reminisce about their childhood. Reading this book was like a travel to a time which I have left far behind. Readers; you too will experience the same.
“Dad, I got a poem”. This probably must have been the beginning of Matt’s writing stint; I am pretty sure about this. Richard; you will agree to this, I suppose.
“If God is everywhere, he is in your underwear” John’s philosophical observations at his age of 5. Such an unique statement this is; I loved the honesty and innocence in it. This also happens to be the title of Matt’s book.
“When is it tomorrow? Matt was puzzled because “tomorrow” never arrived. Kids too think!!! We, as adults, have miserably failed in interpreting and trying to understand their world.
“You want to hear some good news before its bad news?”
“When you get older you can stay up as late as you want.” The craziness of growing-up, ain’t it? Kids want to grow up quickly and when they really do, here comes another statement, “I wish I was a baby again” Trauma expressed post growing-up. We all go through this. Guys; let’s be honest.
Here are few more lines which have so much of a spiritual essence in them. They no doubt have taken me off-guard.
“Dear Jesus, Thank you for Buddha” Probably because of having a devoted Grandmother and a Buddhist Father, Matt has spirituality in his genes.
“The sun is the fire. The fire is the sun. The sun is the Buddha. That lives inside all of us”.
“The sun can sing but cannot sleep. The moon can sing but cannot talk. You need light. The green light you cannot see unless you have the flower. The flower that brings enlightenment. I call this love that I can bring to you”. Principle of Spirituality is unconditional love; I wonder how a small boy as Matt could have had this much of an understanding.
“You can’t feel what another person feels because you are not that person. Right?” Matt, definitely, seems to be very high on emotional quotient.
“I want to do something. There’s nothing I want to do”. And, “I have this feeling I can’t explain. I don’t want to be here and I don’t want to go”. I have felt these so many times and do understand these unexplainable feelings.
“I know where heaven is. It’s in the earth”.
“How come people don’t want weeds in their yards?”
Innocent and childlike curiosity which Matt expresses-
“The moon – was born?”
“How do you get a girlfriend?”
“Dad can I have the house when you die?”
“I wish they didn’t have grades. They make me feel bad”
When he was explained about reproduction, Matt asked his father, “Daddy, how do I get it out?”
Well, Richard is very happy and pleased that In college, Matthew excelled in poetry of Mathematics and has found his career as a Radiologic Technician where he is handsomely paid.
We wish Matt all the very best and look forward to his new venture as an adult and I am sure he will write even more philosophical and spiritual. May this book bring him all the glory and fame.
Warm regards,
Shubhaangi Kundalkar
Author: Justaju-In Search of Life