Failed State by Dave Bonta
Dave has fragmented this formidable poetic collection among five sections differing from each other thereby provide a read of various compelling themed poems in one book to the reader and are named as NATURAL RESOURCES, SLEEPER CELL, PUBLIC SERVANT, HUMAN RESOURCES and FAILED STATE. The poet has written all the five sections in a style that uplifts the euphoria of the reader as in the first section the poet has integrated the natural elements like forests clouds mountains river, etc. with the personal life experiences and elements of immense imaginations.
Amazon USADave has fragmented this formidable poetic collection among five sections differing from each other thereby provide a read of various compelling themed poems in one book to the reader and are named as NATURAL RESOURCES, SLEEPER CELL, PUBLIC SERVANT, HUMAN RESOURCES and FAILED STATE. The poet has written all the five sections in a style that uplifts the euphoria of the reader as in the first section the poet has integrated the natural elements like forests clouds mountains river, etc. with the personal life experiences and elements of immense imaginations.
The book opens with From the Spring and Autumn Annals where the poet highlights a leaf that has reversed its course and doesn’t stop till it reaches a mountain covered with an enormous number of trees typically a forest resided on a high altitude covered with clouds in Mexico. Imagining a leaf during its course and the beauty in its movement gives pleasure to the reader. How naturally Dave imagines the hidden earthly beauty blended with philosophical touches!
From the Spring and Autumn Annals
A falling leaf reversed course and flew. It sailed up over the trees and didn't stop until it reached a forest inside a cloud in Mexico. You were left with a double loss: of the leaf it wasn't and of the warbler it was. These are the kinds of subterfuges you recognize from dreams.
In Metal Head, the poet hurls light on the significance of the sense of humor for a long durable relationship as in fact we can’t maintain a long-lasting relationship with humorless appliances and they don’t understand us. A recurring dream of walking with closed eyes till the speaker realizes he is still in sleep brings out a spirit that comes through compelling imagery.
Metal Head
A shared sense of humor is vital to an enduring relationship. That must be
why my essentially humorless appliances and devices don’t seem to understand
In the opening of Failed State, the poet has stated a pertinent example for defining the failed state “like surf, built on a foundation of wind”. The poem reveals some undeniable and thought-provoking facts about the citizens of the failed state as read on. In the end, Dave praises the unity present in the United States of America and his nation is developed unlike theirs.
Failed State
The failed state is defined by its collapse — like surf, built on a foundation
of wind. Disaster makes it go, abetted by a certain sadomasochism bereft of
safe words.
Failed State is a fantastic collection of poems by Dave Bonta that covers a wide range of topics imbued with amazing themes that enlighten and arouses the emotions of the reader.
All the best Dave!