What a Mouth on Her

What a Mouth on Her

Author Name :D Everett Newell

A lady in the making
Dressed in her shiny dress
Bobble and sparkles
High heal shoes
Perfume wafts up
Permeates all the air around
She makes a Grand Entrance
Self-appointed Royalty
In her head a symphony plays
Glaring she stares at all
No one dares make eye contact
Then it happens
She opens her red painted lips
And a voice shrieks, loudly outward
One of the most vile creatures
Put on this earth
Despite all the frills and dressing
Nothing but profanity rolled out
This proves you can dress her up
But you never know
What may happen because
We’ve come to know
What a mouth on her
D Everett Newell 11/15/2019