
Baddie One Shoe

Baddie One Shoe

This is a highly original concept poetry book divided into baddies the author knows and baddies she knows of. She writes in layers and her word use colors images into some interesting verses.

Anatomy of an Injury

Anatomy of an Injury

This book of poems is divided into three sections, complimentary of each other. Wallin writes with abandon in free verse and prose in a highly original voice. From the poem “Orange Crush”:

Our Pitiful Metaphors, Haibun —by Jean LeBlanc

Our Pitiful Metaphors, Haibun —by Jean LeBlanc

I have read the now and then haibun (poetic form combining prose poem and haiku) and while I found them interesting, that was it, okay for a onesie-twosie. This is a book of haibun, and it blew my socks off!

At Work

At Work

Reading Joan McNerney’s latest collection, At Work, recalled my first day on the job as an apprentice printer in Bloomington....

9 Allegro To Life —by Earl Vincent de Berge

9 Allegro To Life —by Earl Vincent de Berge

This musical tribute of poetry is a symphony of words in three movements, Songs from My Life, Poems From Guatemala, and Desert Songs. De Berge starts us off with Poetry Begins,

Who We Thought We Were as We Fell By Michael Lithgow

Who We Thought We Were as We Fell By Michael Lithgow

This collection is divided into four sections of poems. Images are striking. The writing churns up so many thoughts. The author captures moments of wonder, dreams and realities.

The Hammer of Witches Paperback by Kelly Rose Pflug-Back

The Hammer of Witches Paperback by Kelly Rose Pflug-Back

Spine tingling poems await the reader in this collection. Pflug-Back writes in rich truthful or magical images. Let your imagination unfurl in these crafted fantastical poems

If I’d Known By Kelly B. Madden

If I’d Known By Kelly B. Madden

Madden writes gripping poems that will leave you thinking, and maybe commiserating.

Let the World Have You by Mikko Harvey

Let the World Have You by Mikko Harvey

Harvey’s poems invoke unexpected relationships in these thoughtful whimsical lines.

Cancer’s Rogue Season By Marlene Grand MaÎtre

Cancer’s Rogue Season By Marlene Grand MaÎtre

The author takes on a fear filled subject tackling it with a quiet grace.