It is a marvelous comeback by Tom Pow through ‘NARANJAS’, a lively poetic collection comprising poems of earthly imagination, remarkable tributes, poet’s insights and experiences. Each overpoweringly eye-catching poem is accompanied by a succinct expression that renders clear that which is too intense and reflective to be directly gazed upon.
Elder Gideon allocates a high dwelling to
Dave has fragmented this formidable poetic collection among five sections differing from each other thereby provide a read of various compelling themed poems in one book to the reader and are named as NATURAL RESOURCES, SLEEPER CELL, PUBLIC SERVANT, HUMAN RESOURCES and FAILED STATE. The poet has written all the five sections in a style that uplifts the euphoria of the reader as in the first section the poet has integrated the natural elements like forests clouds mountains river, etc. with the personal life experiences and elements of immense imaginations.
Rich Ives’ offer a tapestry of poems in these fable like verses of yesteryear into the present. He’s not afraid to take his poems off into dungeons, shadows, fairy tales and the like. Reading poetry with twists and turns can be quite satisfying. Poems don’t have to all be written in contrite rhyming verse.
A satisfying and gripping poetry collection by Donald Revell reveals poems of an extraordinary personal passion, perturbation, and frantic exultation pervading a thrilling-dramatic symbolism that is quite unique. Poems such as CATAFALQUE, SENESCO SED AMO, INGENIUM NOBIS IPSA PUELLA FACIT, OMNIA QUAE SUNT, LUMINA SUNT, SAVED FOR LATER and WHITE CAMPION with the advent of angels welcomes the spirit of ardent religious fervor by the imaginative delight concealed in the subdued expression of poet’s revelations.
Light-winged, inspiring out of senses, a poetic collection so striking ever seen is the Animal Children by Hugh Behm-Steinberg. The poet has excelled in establishing a harmonious relationship that exists between poetry and life which appeals to the reader's emotions and produces a pleasurable effect.
There’s a great deal of variety in these new poems by Elyshevitz. The opening poem, “My Wife is Shrinking” is a look at women losing size or shrinking juxtaposed with workmen and how they get through the job. Quite the comparisons!
Written by Christopher Merrill, Flares is a poetic collection comprising poems of diverse elegances, unforgettable experiences of the poet and events encountered in several places of Middle East Asia entailed with vivid imagination and insights.
Roger Aplon has put together a collection of poems with a wide variety of sections. In each one, there’s a contrast in style, theme, and so on. The poems are intense, each one simply enough to stand on its own.
There’s a constant comfort to the poems in this new book from James Grabill. He examines life, essentially presenting his poems almost as a research experiment or paper but in a far more interesting way. Immediately with the first poem, “Reverberation of the Genome,” you will be drawn in. This particular poem, is divided into four parts: “The Symbiosis in Diego Rivera,” “As the Sun Soars Over,” “In Schoenberg Mind,” and “Blue Fin in the Seas of Hemingway.”