
The most unique part in this book is his explanation about God, and how he sees God in everyone he meets.

The most unique part in this book is his explanation about God, and how he sees God in everyone he meets.

Heartiest congratulations Daniel that some of your poems in this collection are already published in some famous journals. We wish that there will be many more.

This book is all about Woman, in particular, which narrates her story from her younger days to growing old and the nuances she is facing at her age of 70.

This book is all about Woman, in particular, which narrates her story from her younger days to growing old and the nuances she is facing at her age of 70.

I just loved these two catchy lines which speaks volumes on the meaning of life, in general, and glorifies the life of a woman. Dr. Jennifer, I think this is something very striking and adds more context to your book.



Hearty congratulations, Yannis, for the reason that your poems of this collection have appeared in Poetry Salzburg Review & Contemporary Poetry Volume 3. We very much wish that you come up with many more stories to narrate. Reading your book on poems was actually like reading stories. I found your writing very unique because of this.

“An amputated past not only starves the present but poisons it”, lines by D.R. Wallace have literally set me thinking.

“An amputated past not only starves the present but poisons it”, lines by D.R. Wallace have literally set me thinking.

I am surprised by the fact that how one Greeting Card has inspired Sam to write this novel that runs over 500 pages! He has appreciated Birute Putrius for the card. This is something beyond imagination. The book looks like reading memoirs of his childhood, and growing up and where he talks about his father who is an American soldier and his mother, a Nun. Basically, this book talks about his life and his perceptions towards life.

Wandering  by Michael L. Newell

Wandering by Michael L. Newell

Going through the “Acknowledgement page”, it seems to me that Michael has been into writing since 1971, and he has almost 15 books to his credit so far, and many of his poems have been featured in various periodicals. He deserves lot of applause from us for this. Michael, we pray that you add on to many more books in the coming future.

What a Poet really is, the way S/he writes, the creative journey, places, wilderness, imagination is so well expressed in the lines like-

What a Poet really is, the way S/he writes, the creative journey, places, wilderness, imagination is so well expressed in the lines like-

Hey, Kilgore, I loved the title of your book New Poet Tree “Rising from ashes”. It sounds so spiritual and like a self-talk about dying and again rising. It’s spiritual in the sense because it can also be linked to coming to light from darkness. A kind of an awakening!

Branches Shaken by Light  by James Grabill (Author)

Branches Shaken by Light by James Grabill (Author)

At the outset let us congratulate James for many of his Prose and Poetry also being published in several other publications which is mentioned in this collection. James; we look forward to many more coming your way, and adding many more books to your writing collection.

Book Review – The Delphic Musings

Book Review – The Delphic Musings

At the outset, let me congratulate Professor Rathore on the inclusion of five of his poems in Indo-Australian Anthology entitled “Dancing the Light” which came out in January 2020. He had sent me the book and I have enjoyed reading the poetry therein. It indeed is a proud moment for him and all his readers as well. Sir, this is your masterstroke!

I must say, Neal, “the pleasant feelings indeed are mutual”, as you said.

I must say, Neal, “the pleasant feelings indeed are mutual”, as you said.

Reading the title of book at the outset inspired me to go through the pages; randomly at first and then page by page. I must say, Neal, “the pleasant feelings indeed are mutual”, as you said.

Invisible Histories

Invisible Histories

Invisible Histories is written by American author Glen Armstrong.