
The Five and Dime Store of Eternity By Sean Lause

The Five and Dime Store of Eternity By Sean Lause

Sean Lause fills the pages in this new poetry collection with deeply personal poems. The poems are introspective and thoughtful. The visuals, the images he presents are perfectly crafted, but will zing right through your heart and give you pause.

THE INTERRUPTED SKY  by David Lawrence


This is from Esther Cameron of "The Deronda Review" -- We don't generally do book reviews at The Deronda Review, as otherwise we'd be besieged with requests for such, but this being special, I'm willing to post the above on our homepage, along with a link to your publisher before 9/11 and send out an alert by email. if you want to put it to another use meantime, feel free. If you do use it, I request that you use it in its entirety, leaving nothing out. "David Lawrence is the poet as pugilist. He is not polite. I do not like everything he says. But he says some true things that many others are too polite to say.

A Raga for George Harrison by Sharmagne Leland St.-John (2020) Reviewed by Rebecca Foster

A Raga for George Harrison by Sharmagne Leland St.-John (2020) Reviewed by Rebecca Foster

Native American poet Sharmagne Leland St.-John’s fifth collection is a nostalgic and bittersweet look at people and places from one’s past. There are multiple elegies for public figures – everyone from Janis Joplin to Virginia Woolf – as well as for some who aren’t household names but have important stories that should be commemorated, like Hector Pieterson, a 12-year-old boy killed during the Soweto Uprising for protesting enforced teaching of Afrikaans in South Africa in 1976.



David’s The Interrupted Sky reflects the pain of the unforgettable tragedy of the September 11 attacks. A huge ocean of tears engulfs the reader's mind while reading this emotional and heart-touching book. The artistic ornaments of David depict the horror of the attacks through his poetry. A feeling of compassion comes out of the verse in which the poet has given much emphasis to the people who were bound to jump from the burning twin towers due to the inhuman plane crash. Poor people, who didn’t have a choice except for escaping out of there in a hurry and attempting an involuntary suicidal attempt.

Belladonna in my Grief by Jadedisland

Belladonna in my Grief by Jadedisland

Poems in Belladonna in my Grief by Jadedisland engage the reader in your progressions ranging from grief/distress/loss to healing. It may take you a while to get over it; and you will most probably read several individual passages over again and again. However, it is not easy since it expresses the virtues of Life. Jadedisland's work of imagination and compassion is fair in fascinating her subjects.

Grocery List Poems by Rhiannon McGavin

Grocery List Poems by Rhiannon McGavin

Grocery List Poems an alluring poetic collection by Rhiannon McGavin turns all things to expressiveness; it exalts the charm of that which is most beautiful, and it adds loveliness to that which is most distorted and quells to union under its light yoke all incompatible things. The recurring mention of quotes and poems from eminent poets throughout the book is remarkable.



Norm’s poems have immediate effects like a flash of lightning upon the eye. They appeal through imagination and no through reason. His style is classic throughout the book so far as his felicitous phraseology, the crystalline perfection in the ending of the verse, and lucidity of expression are concerned.

The Slow Knot of Time  By Martin Jones

The Slow Knot of Time By Martin Jones

Lyrical like poems greet you in this new collection of poems from Martin Jones. It is quite the calling card to illustrate a sensitive poet’s voice.

New Book by Sharmagne Leland-St. John!

New Book by Sharmagne Leland-St. John!

Artful poetry is music, but it’s often hard to find thoughtful poetry that is melodic. “A Raga for George Harrison,” by Sharmagne Leland-St. John is a very special poetry collection with poems that read like songs. Some of the poems take us back in history celebrating famous people, poets and singers. Leland-St. John also shares her life’s events– its hardships, losses in love, and deaths of those close to her– that readers find relatable. This soulful and poignant book is a window into Leland-St. John’s life and experiences that have shaped her, in which we learn more about ourselves.

The Blue Divide by Linda Nemec Foster

The Blue Divide by Linda Nemec Foster

The poems in this exquisite collection, The Blue Divide by Linda Nemec Foster, reflect the landscape of the world and the landscape of the heart—whether they honor the lives traumatized in the Balkan wars of the early 1990’s or by the emotional dissonance of family relationships. Foster’s poems are far from being casual observations: they are on intimate terms with public and private violence.